Le plus beau cadeau que la vie ait pu me faire, c’est cette famille qui m’a ouvert les bras (Reminder)

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Le plus beau cadeau que la vie ait pu me faire, c’est cette famille qui m’a ouvert les bras.


The best gift that life has given me, is this family who opened their arms to me.

Aucun bien matériel ne remplacera  la beauté d’un cœur qui aime. Merci à vous tous famille Florescu.

No material good will replace the beauty of a loving heart. Thank you to all of you Florescu family.

Je vous aime et je me réjouis de vous voir à Bucarest dans quelques jours comme promis.

I love you and look forward to seeing you in Bucharest in a few days as promised.

“My family is you. Adopt me please. I only ask to love you.” Rares is the hyphen, I’m absolutely sure. It is you that I want to see and it is with you that I want to be.

With love.

There will never be enough for those we love.

To you Rares and all your family.


Stéphane Guibert pour Rares Mihai Florescu


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