Transgenre, la maladie mentale du siècle / Transgender, boala mintală a secolului / Transgender, the mental illness of the century

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Transgenre, la maladie mentale du siècle

Il y a deux sexes: Mâle et femelle

  • Pour celle ou celui qui ne se sent pas bien dans son corps, ce n’est pas le corps qui doit être modifié mais la tête qui doit se faire soigner! Les psychiatres ont de beaux jours devant eux!


Le drapeau LGBT s’inspire des couleurs des Chakras mais à l’envers. Valeurs inversées. Le mal devient le bien et vice-versa.

Transgender, boala mintală a secolului

Există două sexe: masculin și feminin

  • Pentru cei care nu se simt bine in corpul lor, nu corpul trebuie modificat ci capul care trebuie tratat! Psihiatrii au un viitor strălucit înaintea lor!


Steagul LGBT este inspirat din culorile Chakrelor, dar invers. Valori inversate. Răul devine bine și invers.

Transgender, the mental illness of the century

There are two sexes: Male and Female

  • For those who do not feel good in their body, it is not the body that must be modified but the head that must be treated! Psychiatrists have a bright future ahead of them!


The LGBT flag is inspired by the colors of the Chakras but in reverse. Inverted values. Evil becomes good and vice versa.

Stéphane Guibert (VK)


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