Plainte contre le site Finalscape, articles supprimés

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J’informe toutes celles et ceux qui me suivent sur Finalscape qu’une plainte a été déposée contre le site et que plusieurs articles ont du être retirés.

Voici la teneur du mail :


« Bonjour,

Nous vous prions de trouver ci-dessous une plainte que nous avons reçue et qui concerne l’un des services que vous avez souscrit chez nous.

Nous vous demandons de prendre contact avec les plaignants dans les meilleurs délais et de nous tenir informés de vos échanges au fur et à mesure afin que nous puissions nous assurer du bon déroulement de ce dossier.

Nous reprendrons contact dans 4 jours si nous n’avons pas de nouvelles de votre part.

Cordialement. »

Demand for Immediate Take-Down: Notice of Infringing Activity
Dear Sir or Madam,

Sumom Ltd has received information that the domain listed above, which appears to be on servers under your control, is offering unlicensed copies of, or is engaged in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted works published by Sumom Ltd.

1. Identification of copyrighted works:

Copyrighted work(s): see Below

Copyright owner: Sumom Ltd

2. Copyright infringing material or activity found at the following location(s):

See below

The above product(s) is being made available for copying, through downloading, at the above location without authorization of the copyright owner.

3. Statement of authority:

The information in this notice is accurate, and I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am authorized to act on behalf of Sumom Ltd,

The owner of the copyright(s) in the work(s) identified above. I have a good faith belief that none of the materials or activities listed
above have been authorized by Sumom Ltd, its agents, or the law.

We hereby give notice of these activities to you and request that you take expeditious action to remove or disable access to the material described above, and thereby prevent the illegal reproduction and distribution of this product(s) via your company’s network.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding what actions you take.

Yours sincerely,

Ash Ikeda
Internet Investigator

On behalf of Sumom Ltd
Skywalker Digital, Ltd.
Rm.2103, 21/F Future Plaza
111 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong


GGG media (Official URL:

Stéphane Guibert / Finalscape / VK


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