Les crucifiés du XXlème siècle / Crucificatul secolului XXI / The Crucified of the 21st Century

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Les crucifiés du XXlème siècle

Parce qu’une image vaut 1000 mots!

Army of lovers: « Crucified »

Army of Lovers est un groupe suédois fondé en 1987. La formation au style exubérant avec des costumes créés par Camilla Thulin, est principalement connue pour son titre Crucified en 1991. Certains des clips du groupe furent bannis de MTV et leurs chansons furent à l’origine de controverses relatives aux thèmes religieux et sexuels abordés. Le nom d’Army of Lovers est une référence à un documentaire réalisé par Rosa von Praunheim inspiré du bataillon sacré.

  • Merci à Universal Music Group.

Crucificatul secolului XXI

Pentru că o imagine valorează 1000 de cuvinte!

Army of lovers: « Crucified »

Army of Lovers este un grup suedez format în 1987. Grupul, cu un stil exuberant cu costume concepute de Camilla Thulin, este cel mai bine cunoscut pentru titlul Crucified în 1991. Unele dintre videoclipurile muzicale ale grupului au fost interzise de pe MTV, iar melodiile au fost surse controversate în jurul temelor religioase și sexuale abordate. Numele Army of Lovers se referă la un documentar regizat de Rosa von Praunheim inspirat din Batalionul Sacru.

  • Mulțumiri Universal Music Group.

The Crucified of the 21st Century

Because a picture is worth 1000 words!

Army of lovers: « Crucified »

Army of Lovers is a Swedish band founded in 1987. The band, with their exuberant style and costumes designed by Camilla Thulin, are best known for their 1991 hit « Crucified ». Some of the band’s music videos were banned from MTV and their songs were controversial due to their religious and sexual themes. The name Army of Lovers is a reference to a documentary directed by Rosa von Praunheim based on the Holy Battalion.

  • Many thanks to Universal Music Group.

Army of lovers « Crucified » Extended version

Stéphane Guibert (FB) / Stéphane Guibert (VK)




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