LE MENSONGE DU TITANIC: A complotiste, complotiste et demi / MINCIUNA TITANIC: Conspirator, conspirator și jumătate / THE LIE OF THE TITANIC: A plotter, plotter and a half

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Croyez-vous vraiment que les icebergs sont capables de percer les coques en acier?

A complotiste, complotiste et demi.

Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss et Jacob Astor étaient tous passagers du Titanic. Ces trois hommes étaient les personnes les plus riches de leur époque, leur opinion était donc très importante en matière de gouvernement et d’économie.

Ces trois personnages  étaient de fervents opposants à l’idée d’une « Federal Reserve Bank ». (Ce qui n’a rien à voir avec les États-Unis, il s’agissait une banque privée). Ces 3 personnes devaient être détruites par tous les moyens, de manière à ce que personne ne soupçonne qu’elles furent assassinées.

La société secrète catholique romaine appelée Jésuites, avec les Rothschild, les Rockefeller et d’autres banquiers jésuites voulait désespérément une banque centrale aux États-Unis. Une fois que l’opposition à la Banque fédérale ait disparu, ils ont obtenu ce qu’ils voulaient et ont commencé la Première Guerre mondiale quelques mois plus tard.


Chiar crezi că aisbergurile pot străpunge corpurile de oțel?

Conspirator, conspirator și jumătate.

Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss și Jacob Astor erau toți pasageri pe Titanic. Acești trei bărbați erau cei mai bogați oameni ai timpului lor, așa că părerea lor era foarte importantă în chestiuni de guvernare și economie.

Aceste trei figuri au fost oponenți fermi ai ideii unei „Bănci Federale de Rezervă”. (Ceea ce nu are nicio legătură cu Statele Unite, era o bancă privată). Acești 3 oameni au trebuit să fie distruși prin toate mijloacele, pentru ca nimeni să nu bănuiască că au fost uciși.

Societatea Catolica Secreta Iezuita, impreuna cu Rothschild, Rockefeller si alti bancheri iezuiti, doreau cu disperare o banca centrala in Statele Unite. Odată ce opoziția față de Banca Federală s-a diminuat, ei și-au folosit banca pentru a începe Primul Război Mondial luni mai târziu.


Do you really believe that icebergs can pierce steel hulls?

A plotter, plotter and a half.

Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor were all passengers on the Titanic. These three men were the wealthiest people of their time, so their opinion was very important in matters of government and economics.

These three figures were staunch opponents of the idea of ​​a « Federal Reserve Bank ». (Which has nothing to do with the United States, it was a private bank). These 3 people had to be destroyed by all means, so that no one would suspect that they were murdered.

The Roman Catholic secret society called Jesuits, along with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other Jesuit bankers desperately wanted a central bank in the United States. Once the opposition to the Federal Bank subsided, they got what they wanted and started World War I a few months later.

Mise en ligne : Stéphane Guibert


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