Jeune talent
***** Bundjalung Janagan *****
A chacun son art, à chacun son talent, ici le violon, là la guitare ou encore le saxophone mais à l’unisson ces jeunes artistes forment une famille dont le langage universel, la musique est une des clef de l’univers.
Tânăr talent
***** Bundjalung Janagan *****
Fiecare are arta lui, fiecare are talentul lui, aici vioara, acolo chitara sau chiar saxofonul dar la unison acești tineri artiști formează o familie al cărei limbaj universal, muzica, este una dintre cheile universului.
Young talent
***** Bundjalung Janagan *****
Everyone has their own art, everyone has their own talent, here the violin, there the guitar or even the saxophone but in unison these young artists form a family whose universal language, music, is one of the keys to the universe.
Stéphane Guibert pour Bundjalung Janagan