Image du jour: Co-vide Toujours / Imaginea zilei: Co-vid, Co-vid/ Image of the Day: Co-vide Always

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Image du jour: Co-vide Toujours

Eh oui et les complotistes ont toujours une longueur d’avance sur la vérité, toujours !

  • Des milliers de morts auraient pu être imputés à tort au Covid.

Imaginea zilei: Co-vid, Co-vid

Da, iar conspiratorii sunt întotdeauna cu un pas înaintea adevărului, întotdeauna!

  • Mii de morți ar fi putut fi atribuite în mod greșit Covid.

Image of the Day: Co-vide Always

Yes and the conspirators are always one step ahead of the truth, always!

  • Thousands of deaths could have been wrongly blamed on Covid.

Stéphane Guibert


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