***** Flocon de neige *****
La nature ment. Même si chaque flocon de neige est unique, c’est à l’image de chaque être vivant que les neiges éternelles se fondent dans l’oubli.
- Many thanks to Polydor, Barclay and Carrere for the kindly permission.
***** Fulg de nea *****
Natura minte. Chiar dacă fiecare fulg de nea este unic, în imaginea fiecărei ființe vii zăpezile veșnice se topesc în uitare.
- Many thanks to Polydor, Barclay and Carrere for the kindly permission.
***** Snowflake *****
Nature lies. Even if each snowflake is unique, it is in the image of each living being that the eternal snows melt into oblivion.
- Many thanks to Polydor, Barclay and Carrere for the kindly permission.
Stéphane Guibert (FB) / Stéphane Guibert (VK)