Magnifique compositeur qui à 8 ans faisait sa propre musique : Michael Andreas / Magnific compozitor care la 8 ani își făcea propria muzică : Michael Andreas / Wonderful composer who at the age of 8 made his own music : Michael Andreas

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Magnifique compositeur qui à 8 ans faisait sa propre musique : Michael Andreas

Retrouvé dans les archives, ce reportage qui nous dévoile un gosse hors normes !


Magnific compozitor care la 8 ani își făcea propria muzică : Michael Andreas

Găsit în arhive, acest raport care dezvăluie un copil extraordinar !


Wonderful composer who at the age of 8 made his own music : Michael Andreas

Found in the archives, this report which reveals an extraordinary child !

Stéphane Guibert pour Michael Andreas


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