Culture & Cinéma
Tangerine dream
Un groupe Allemand (Electro rock) que je suis depuis tout gosse. on les retrouve ici dans deux titres qui pour les plus anciens ne sont pas inconnus :
- Monolight
- Thief (Beach theme)
- Thief (Beach scene)
Cultură și cinema
Tangerine dream
O trupă germană (Electro rock) pe care o urmăresc de când eram copil. Le găsim aici în două titluri:
- Monolight
- Thief (Beach theme)
- Thief (Beach scene)
Culture & Cinema
Tangerine dream
A German group (Electro rock) that I have been following since I was a kid. We find them here in two titles which for the oldest are not unknown:
- Monolight
- Thief (Beach theme)
- Thief (Beach scene)
Stéphane Guibert (VK) / Stéphane Guibert (Facebook)