Best friends
***** Bryan *****
Bravo pour les progrès faits en si peu de temps. Ne lâche rien. Bises à papa et maman.
- Merci à Roger Waters et EMI RECORDS.
- Merci à l’école Drum >>>>>
Best friends
***** Bryan *****
Bravo pentru progresele realizate într-un timp atât de scurt. Nu renunta. Pupici pentru mama si tata.
- Mulțumiri lui Roger Waters și EMI RECORDS.
- Mulțumesc școlii Drum >>>>>
Best friends
***** Bryan *****
Bravo for the progress made in such a short time. Do not give up. Kisses to mom and dad.
- Many thanks to Roger Waters and EMI RECORDS.
- Thanks to the school Drum >>>>>
Stéphane Guibert (Facebook) / Stéphane Guibert (VK)